UNA Pressroom

Una Honors Those Who Have Served Both Past And Present

Nov. 04, 2015

Michelle Eubanks, UNA, at media@byum.net, 256.765.4392 or 256.606.2033

Wayne P. Bergeron, LTC (ret), Criminal Justice, Security and Emergency Management

FLORENCE, Ala. - The University of North Alabama 将通过一年一度的退伍军人节纪念仪式来纪念那些过去和现在都挺身而出为我们国家服务的人, Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2015 at 11:00 a.m., at the UNA Memorial Amphitheater (GUC Performance Center in case of inclement weather).

该活动由UNA学生政府协会和UNA军事和退伍军人联盟以及荣誉学生共同主办, alumni, faculty, staff, and community Veterans from all branches of the military and uniformed services. Katherine Canlas Richey, UNA Alumnus and U.S. 陆军上士(已退休)将在典礼上担任主讲人,同时还将有迪克西骄傲乐队在大学合唱团的表演. The entire Shoals community is invited to attend.

"Living in an uncertain world with constantly emerging and ever increasing threats, 因此,作为一个国家,我们必须记住和尊重我们国家不到1%的公民,他们为保卫国家而服务,以及所有那些牺牲自己的人, it is the very least we can do" said Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Wayne P. Bergeron, 联合国军事和退伍军人联盟的指导教师以及刑事司法、安全和应急管理讲师.at UNA. "This event is simply about remembering and recognizing the sacrifice of those great Americans among us."

UNA与军事服务有着悠久的历史和联系,从其陆军后备军官训练队项目和学生中选拔了1153名少尉, alumni, 教职员工参与了自美国内战以来的每一次美国冲突和所有军事部门.

浅滩社区被邀请加入UNA纪念其退伍军人,每年UNA MVA试图赞助一个特别的活动,除了仪式. This year, 美国退伍军人管理局和联合国军陆军后备军官训练队狮子营正在赞助一项“22号荣誉行走”活动,以表彰和提高人们对美国每天大约22名军人和退伍军人自杀事件的认识. 步行将于早上6点在麦克法兰公园开始,并在UNA的哈里森广场喷泉结束-每个人都被邀请参加,并鼓励(但不是要求)参与者至少携带22磅,以表彰我们回归的军队和退伍军人每天面临的挑战和负担.

有关联合国退伍军人节纪念仪式活动或支持联合国军人和退伍军人联盟的信息:Wayne P. Bergeron, advisor for the MVA at wpbergeron@byum.net.