UNA Pressroom

Una Introduces Master's Program In Professional Studies

Jun. 01, 2012

Michelle Eubanks, UNA, at media@byum.net, 256.765.4392 or 256.606.2033

FLORENCE, Ala. 今年秋天,K8彩乐园(University of North Alabama)将推出一项新的研究生课程,面向那些希望以可定制的方式继续接受教育的专业人士. 专业研究硕士学位将是一个提供社区发展专业的跨学科课程, security and safety leadership, and information technology.

"Many graduate programs have prescribed academic paths for students to follow, and these programs are very much organized around a single department. Whereas, students in our program may be able to take graduate-level coursework across multiple departments," said Dr. Craig Robertson, director of the UNA Office of Professional and Interdisciplinary Studies, where the MPS degree is offered.

所有MPS学生将被要求完成六门课程的核心组成部分,然后在他们的专业领域完成15个学分, for a total of 33 to 36 hours.

Admission into the program is unique in not being based on test scores, Robertson said. Based on a Personal Potential Index, students will use personal references as a determiner of their potential for success. The PPI will be supplemented by the student's GPA, which must meet the requirement of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale within the past 60 hours of coursework, or 2.75 overall.

The program requires a thesis or capstone project, 哪一门课程将解决学生在专业工作中可能遇到的问题和解决方案.

For more information on the MPS program at UNA, contact the Department of Professional and Interdisciplinary Studies at 256-765-5003.