

The UNA 英语文学硕士 Program offers a solid professional and academic foundation in literary studies, 与可用的课程写作加强, 语言学, 还有电影研究. 所有课程均由a教授 教师 of dedicated mentors and skilled educators with numerous publications and a wide range of research interests. The program provides an ideal environment for students who want the challenge of a large university with the personal attention of a small liberal arts college. UNA是一个多元化的, 中型大学, 位于佛罗伦萨市, with excellent resources and a supportive 教师 intent on preparing our graduate students for both teaching and scholarship.

UNA的研究生学习价格在该地区具有竞争力. 研究生可申请 助学金、奖学金或研究奖. 我们的研究生接受教师的指导,开发会议演讲和出版物. 我们的研究生组织正在成长和活跃, 有很多专业发展的机会.

“英语硕士学位为我的批判性思维和判断力提供了一个成长的平台. 学习ing the complex philosophical relationships in literature and connecting these to modern life is the heart of the degree. 思考, 写作, 和成熟度是UNA项目的主要内容, made possible by the outstanding scholars who expertly balance teaching and one on one interaction for the student's benefit.”

M. 布雷特的鱼
M.A. 用英语

英语硕士课程为学生在社区大学的教学水平做准备, 继续攻读博士学位.D. 或在教育、商业和工业领域追求职业或薪水的提升.
K8彩乐园程序要求: 详情请点击此处.
We require a statement of purpose that details your personal and professional goals for completing the program. We also require a writing sample that demonstrates your ability to conduct research in literary studies.
申请一经收到,即予考虑, 录取决定会在三周内做出. Students applying for assistantships or departmental endowed scholarships must apply to the graduate program by the 二月的第一个星期一 才有资格获得8月份开始的奖项.



1. 识别和评估语言的历史和社会建构

2. 准备好组织和利用各种专业领域和公民环境的研究

3. 运用多种批评方法分析文学作品, 历史, 文化, 以及政治视角,在文学文本中识别身份和权力的动态

4. Design and produce literary analyses that make research-based contributions to field of English using critical frameworks, 主要来源, 二手资料


英语文学硕士学位:至少36个学分, 包括以下核心和选项:

核心课程: 9小时

文学作品要求: 18个小时

学生必须至少修满18个学期的文学课程, 不包括核心课程.

选修课程: 6个小时


M.A. 要想在英语领域取得成功,必须具备一门外语的阅读能力. 学生通过以下方式之一满足外语要求:

  • 通过完成一门3分语言的第二年课程.0或更大,或者
  • 通过成功完成研究生课程的外语阅读能力,或
  • by the successful completion of a reading proficiency examination administered through the Department of Foreign Languages, or
  • 由研究生院院长批准的类似替代方案代替.
  • EN 504:古英语语言和文学. (3学分). 这门课程也将计入学位的文学必修部分.

毕业论文或考试时间: 3个小时

总:  36个小时


The master’s degree program 用英语 provides for an option of a minimum 36 semester hours of coursework or 30 semester hours of coursework plus a thesis earning six hours’ credit. Student electing the thesis option must obtain approval from the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and must register for the thesis and pay the appropriate fee.

论文: Students choosing the Thesis Option must complete three (3) semester hours of EN 690 Thesis in addition to the core and 24 additional semester hours of graduate courses 用英语 for a total of 36个小时.

论文建议: Students choosing this option must submit a thesis proposal no later than mid-term of the semester prior to enrolling in EN 690 Thesis.

论文答辩: Students choosing the Thesis Option must enroll in EN 695 Thesis Defense during the term in which they complete the thesis.


选择非论文选项的学生必须用英语完成30小时的研究生课程, 包括核心, EN 689:研究设计和EN 699:定向读数. 

综合考试: 选择此选项的学生必须注册en696, 综合考试, 在适当的时候,必须顺利完成综合考试.

At least 50 percent of the coursework required to complete the selected option must be earned at the 600 level.

EN 699:定向读数(3)

Individually supervised reading and research in a literary period in preparation for 综合考试. A grade of "S" indicating satisfactory performance or a grade of "U" for unsatisfactory performance will be recorded on the transcript. 三个学期学分可以修两次,六个学期学分可以修一次. 前提条件:部门研究生协调员的许可.

The English department offers both graduate teaching and research assistantships as well as several scholarships that students can apply to.



Graduate Teaching Assistants receive mentoring and training in how to teach English at the college level. 学生们选修教育学课程, 见习教练, 并最终教他们自己的英语写作部分. Open to on-campus full-time graduate students pursuing a Master's Degree 用英语 who have achieved a minimum 3.25 grade point average overall and who are meeting all standards toward advancing in the program and who are in good standing in the program. 上一年度的申请者也可以申请. 每个助教奖学金为一个完整学年,最多可延长两年. 接受者每周工作20小时.

申请表 (按此打开表格). 请将申请材料发送至英语协调硕士, Dr. 凯蒂Owens-Murphy.


开放给所有攻读英语硕士学位的研究生,至少达到3分.平均绩点25分,正在向M级迈进.A. 英语学位,符合项目的所有标准. Each assistantship is for one academic year only; prior-year recipients may apply. 每年需要单独申请一次. 申请秋季开始的学年的截止日期是2月的第一个星期一.
申请表 (点击打开表格. 如果您有adobeacrobat,您将能够填写并保存表单. 否则,您将不得不打印表格,填写表格,并通过扫描创建一个新的pdf)。. 请将申请材料发送至英语协调硕士, Dr. 凯蒂Owens-Murphy.


威廉G. 和贝蒂·简·凯尔研究生奖学金:

攻读英语专业硕士学位的研究生,成绩至少达到3分.平均绩点为00分的学生正向M级迈进. A. 英语学位,符合项目的所有标准. 前一年的获奖者也可以申请. 每个奖学金为期一整个学年,可延长至两年的研究生学习. 

申请表 (按此打开表格). 请将申请材料发送至英语协调硕士, Dr. 凯蒂Owens-Murphy.

Dr. Eleanor Parks Gaunder纪念奖:

Recipients shall be full-time students pursuing a Master’s Degree 用英语 and resuming their educations after an absence of at least five years. 优先考虑妇女(在法律允许的范围内).  由英语系选拔. 需要单独申请. 申请截止日期为每年2月的第一个星期一.
申请表 (点击打开表格. 如果您有adobeacrobat,您将能够填写并保存表单. 否则,您将不得不打印表格,填写表格,并通过扫描创建一个新的pdf)。. 此申请表需寄至 engscholarships@byum.net.

艾伯特年代. 约翰斯顿,小. 莎士比亚研究研究生奖学金:

针对正在攻读文艺复兴文学的硕士生. 申请人必须有3分.0本科生g.p.a. 获奖者必须保持3.5毕业生.p.a, 写一篇论文,在某种程度上论述莎士比亚的作品, 保持全职状态, 坐EN623或EN621或EN622.
申请表.  请将申请材料发送至英语协调硕士, Dr. 凯蒂Owens-Murphy.

艾伯特年代. 约翰斯顿,小. 留学莎士比亚研究奖学金:

For current undergraduate and graduate students who have been accepted into the English Department's England 出国留学 program. Applicants must be focusing on Shakespeare for their research project and use the resources available on the trip to complete the project.
申请表.  所有材料都直接寄给Dr. 谢丽尔·普莱斯 cprice7@byum.net. 注意:本奖学金仅在本系提供暑期出国留学时提供.

